It's that time of year when each calories lurks like a pro boxer and tries to punch you from every angle possible – eggnog, cookies, wine jelly doughnuts and all kinds of chocolate. 

All these delicious foods add up whether you like it or not, and your body can't help it but putting on a some extra fat by New Year's Day.

Gaining a lit but of extra weight may sound harmful especially if its just a pound or two٫ However, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health, most Americans never lose the weight they gain during the winter holidays. 

The extra weight adds up year after year, making holiday weight gain an important factor in adult obesity.

Hence don't fall into this trap. It is possible to enjoy holiday goodies without putting on any undesirable extra weight.

The following 5 tips will help your control your weight gain during holidays, it is not guaranteed to not gain any weight but it will make it as low as possible:

1.Never Go to Parties Hungry

The most common mistake is taking an excess portion of high-fat pastries, chips and dips while waiting for the "real" food to arrive. 

Avoid overeating at family reunions, events and parties by ensuring you do not arrive at an event starving. 

Eat a healthy snack 60 to 90 minutes before you go, such as an apple , handful of nuts, or a smoothie will prevent you from eating everything being offered.

2.Limit Alcohol

Drinking alcohol will make your feel more hungry and lose control on what you eat. 

In order to limit your intake of alcohol, it is recommended to mix it with club soda for example, in case there is wine, it is recommended to take your time and make the glass last as long as you can.

3.Don't Eat Everything That Being Offered

Each time food is being offered as yourself. “Do I really feel like eating that?”. 

If you compare the thin people at the party with the overweight ones. In most cases the slim partygoers are always picky about what they eat. Control is the key in this case.

4.Bring Your Own Treats

Always consider bringing your own dessert and drinks to any kind of party٫ That way you will not being forced to eat whatever it is offered and not drool over those tempting delicious treats. 

Also don't feel like your treats has to be the typical holiday fare, get rid of that fixed thinking and what holiday food has to be.

5.Walk It Off

Yes you will not run away from all this without any fitness activity. If you are a pro athlete then you need to keep it going. But taking a time of and enjoying this awesome holiday can be a treat to your body and mind. 

However your body needs to be up to date. Walking is the best way to always remind your body that it is always time to burn calories.

Make it a new tradition for your family to have a walk before or after a meal, and keep people away from sitting down and being surrounded by Holiday treats and food.